What is Elder Law | Daniel Parsons, CELA
Working with an Elder Law Attorney | Timothy Crawford, CELA
What is Certified Elder Law Attorney? | Michael Kirtland, CELA
Ethics of a Certified Elder Law Attorney | Amos Goodall, CELA
What is Capacity? | Kathleen Whitehead, CELA
What is Guardianship | Catherine Anne Seal, CELA
An overview of Powers of Attorney | Hyman Darling, CELA
Why Powers of Attorney are Important | Stephen Spano, CELA
An Overview of Advanced Directives | Marta Willager, CELA
An Overview of Special Need Trusts | Ian Oppenheim, CELA
Medicaid for Long Term Care | Jim Schuster, CELA
What Benefits are Available for Veterans? | Howard Krooks, CELA
Introduction to the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit | Howard Krooks, CELA