
Worried about Falling and Getting Injured?

No matter what your age, you certainly have an image in your mind of an elderly slip-and-fall. Whether it’s the television commercial from the late 80s and early 90s, or something far more personal, we all know that there’s a big danger for senior citizens if they fall down. But … is that true? Of course, falling down can be dangerous to anyone; and for seniors, it can be far more dangerous because of reduced bone density and a number of other issues that can make a fall more traumatic than it is for the youth. But the reality is, a little goes a long way here. CBS has coverage on a new study showing that just a few short weeks of work can not only reduce the fear of falling, but actually improve strength, balance, and flexibility. Isn’t it worth a few weeks of your time to mitigate this fear and get back into healthy habits?